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h/p No. - 012-2040958 or 012-2770118
Company Info - AP Network Enterprise (SA0215574-P)
more info about my perfume, click here
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Bank in to any of these acc number (Click link)
MAYBANK 162085723765 Amir Michael
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CIMB 12440086463528 Amir Michael.
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your order to be mailed to you on the next day after the payment confirmed received, via pos laju.
FACTS ABOUT Original Reject Perfume |
Not all rejects are done in the factory plant itself but may also occur after sale...
- after shipping reject is one of the common rejects for all products. Most of the case, its only effect the packing (box) but not the bottle. Since people won’t buy any defect items at the counters as customers only demand for the perfect item even with the box, this rejected item will end up at the warehouse. Another reason why my products have no boxes...
- it would be impossible to produce products without reject. Most company (factory) only achieve 99.8% yield (output) where 0.2% is rejected e.g. 99.8%x1000000 = 998000 bottles. The rest are rejected (2000 bottle). Why they are rejected? It could be Scratches, wrong branding etc. These reject will never be thrown away. They have their own vendor for disposal. Since there are so many manufacturers for brand of perfumes, it will be enough for people like us to trade them... Factory reject outlet is no longer strangers among us anymore. Their stores are everywhere. Nike, Levis, Ralph Lauren and lots more branded items are selling there. Are they selling fake item? No, they are original and customer has no doubt at all. But it had been sold with lower price as they are rejected...
- After quite some times perfumes also will expire. Let say for 1 batch is valid for 8 month. If the item failed to be cleared on time, it will be returned to where it came from. Then manufacturer will reduce the output base on the sale demand. But the different is perfumes are still in good condition even after the date line.
The point is REJECTS ARE NOT FAKE. They are also original but the quality is lower. Not quality of the perfume but only the surface or physical part of it, mostly the bottles. For those who have my perfume, you should know what I’m trying to say here… and lots of thanks for being so supportive.
Disclaimer - If you believe that I'm wrong, this never meant nothing to you.(Another message from
This is some fact about AMIRPERFUME Blogspot:-
Been in internet business since December 2006 until now.
Every post on this blog, from Day 1 until now, never been deleted. The reason, for you to have the real picture of this 'reject perfume' business. To analyst, to picture it yourself what I am doing here...
The price stay almost the same until today...few products have slightly price increase. 'Item hard to get' is almost the main reason to contribute price increase...
Still give you the best price in the market. I am not selling fake, Old stock, or other reason what so ever to sell it at this low price. I got my perfume direct from my supplier, make me able to provide you with quality product at lower price.
No 'profit margin price' for agent, will save your money from buying the same product at higher price...
Selling fake, Old stock, Non Quality items won't allow me to stay this long in this internet business.
Every item I sell, I will provide you with the real picture. At least you can view it first before you decide to buy it. Trust me, if i can post you the smell, I will do it for you, my
(Due to number of items publish in my blog has been increase, I might not be able to publish the real photo. However, you can request it from me, anytime, before u decide to purchase any...)
If you're looking for testimonial from my client..You won't find it here. Not because I don't have it, but I don't provide space for them to post. However, The selling history from month to month, is a real indicator, what the customer say about Amirperfume.
More..... |
more info about my perfume, click here
Perfume TIPS |
It is clear that what smells good on one person may not smell good on another.
This is because we all have different natural body odors that may mix well with some fragrances and not others.
Just like noticing a fabulous outfit on someone and then buying that same outfit, only to find out that it does not look
as fabulous on you. The same is true for perfume. For all those who have not tried any perfume just play it safe and go to
your local department store and try some before you purchase it over the net. And for all those who have tried it and didn't like it,
don't blame the designer or down-talk the product; just admit that it did not go well with your body chemistry. As stated before,
there are different strokes for different folks. If you have fair or dry skin, your perfume is going to wear off faster than those with oily or darker skin.
This simply means that you might need to give yourself one or two sprays of your favorite scent during your lunch break.
Vary the fragrance that you use from time to time. It has been medically proven that scents have a strong effect on our emotions and mindset.
Don’t feel inhibited about trying new and different perfumes every 3-4 months, or along with the changes of the seasons.
To keep your scent as true as the first day you bought it, place it in an airtight plastic container and store it in the fridge between uses.
By doing so, you slow the process of oxidation, which breaks down the scent. This is especially useful during those hot, bright and humid months.
Monday, December 14, 2015 |
What's new today....
Kami membuka peluang perniagaan kepada sesiapa yang berminat
berniaga minyak wangi untuk membeli dengan harga borong. Perniagaan ini sesuai
diceburi oleh golongan berikut:-
- Peniaga yang ingin menjual minyak wangi berjenama hebat pada harga yang sangat menarik.
- Para pelajar yang ingin mencari duit poket lebih dengan menjual minyak wangi berjenama dikalangan
rakan-rakan kampus. Produk Ori reject dengan haruman yang tahan lama sesuai dijual dikalangan
pelajar-pelajar IPTS/IPTA.
- Pekerja pejabat awam dan swasta yang ingin menjual kepada
rakan-rakan sekerja.
- Orang perseorangan yang ingin meningkatkan taraf hidup dengan meraih pendapatan yang berbaloi.
{ 012 2040958 }
Atau datang terus ke Kedai AmirperfumeShoppe di
17-1B, 1st Floor – back,
Jalan Dinar B U3/B,
Seksyen U3,
Taman Subang Perdana,
40150, Shah Alam, Selangor.
Tel - 012-2040958 / 012-2770118
Time 10am to 6pm.
After 6pm, sila call sebelum datang.
Syarat Menjadi agen
1. Mesti minat berniaga...kalau minat pasti ada dorongan kuat untuk terus
berusaha. Usaha untuk mencari pasaran, usaha utk meningkatkan jualan dan
usaha menambah ilmu berkaitan produk. 2. Mesti ada modal nak
start.. Dgn i u kena purchase RM1,000 keatas pada belian pertama untuk dptkan hrg agen.
Soal jawab mengenai bisnes minyak wangi.

From: Mell To: Sent: Sunday, Apr 5, 2015, at 8:21 PM Subject: Harga perfume utk agent
I'm Mell, i berminat nak menjadi agent untuk jual perfume original rejected. Boleh terangkan
1. Macam mana nak daftar?
2. Berapa Harga agen? Ada minimum purchase?
3. Kalau beli banyak, free pos tak?
4. Kalau barang tak boleh jual, boleh pulangkan balik?
Sent from my Xperia™ smartphone
From: amir michael To: mell@..........Sent: Sunday, Apr 5, 2015, at 12:01 PM Subject: RE Harga perfume utk agent
Hi Mell,
1. Tahniah, kerana anda telah memulakan langkah yang bijak untuk menjana pendapatan melalui perniagaan.
2. Syarat Menjadi Agen.
Untuk menjadi agent Amirperfume dan menikmati harga agen kami, anda perlu membeli minimum RM1000 dan keatas pada pembelian pertama untuk jadi AGEN berdaftar kami.
3. Harga Agen. Harga agen yang amirperfume tawarkan adalah bergantung kepada jenis perfume itu sendiri.
Harga Borong Agen yang ditawarkan biasanya LESS RMXX dari harga retail yang kami publish di cart dengan belian minimum 3 botol. Untuk pembelian 1 atau 2 botol sahaja, Harga ditawarkan biasanya LESS RMXX dari harga retail yang kami publish di blog.
Anda akan mendapat list penuh harga agen setelah anda mendaftar sebagai agen Amirperfume yang sah.
Contoh jika beli borong (Minimum 3 botol) :-
GA Armani Acqua Di Gio RM130 Untuk perfume GA Armani Acqua Di Gio, harga yang ditawarkan RM130.00. Untuk harga borong agen, harga yang ditawarkan hanya RMXX.
4. Bayaran POSTAGE. Sila ambil perhatian, segala pengiraan diatas belum termasuk kos penghantaran menggunakan pos laju. Untuk semenanjung Malaysia, Postage dikenakan RM7 sebotol dan Sabah/sarawak RM10 sebotol. Untuk agen yang ambil dalam kadar yang banyak, harga akan mengikut harga sebenar yang pos laju kenakan. Dijamin tiada kos tambahan untuk postage.
5. Stok yang tidak terjual dipulangkan -
Dalam perniagaan, lambakan stok barangan yang tidak terjual adalah perkara biasa. Jangan Risau. Dengan margin keuntungan yang besar dan penjualan yang berterusan, anda tidak akan melihat ini sebagai masalah. Kecuali anda ingin menjadi peniaga berskala kecil yang menjual kecil kecilan.
Anda harus memantapkan cara pemasaran anda untuk mengelakkan stok yang tidak terjual.
Dalam perniagaan, jangan takut untuk gagal sebab pengalaman itu sangat mahal harganya.
Tips - 1. Untuk berjaya, pemasaran yang tepat sangat kritikal. Sebaik sahaja menerima bungkusan anda, ambil gambar, iklankan pada kawan kawan, tunjukkan pada mereka perfume yang anda ada dan biarkan mereka menguji qualiti perfume tersebut. Perfume yang dijual biasanya mengandungi isi yang penuh. Beberapa semburan tidak akan mengurangkan isi kandungan. Namun begitu, Sangat perlu untuk anda membeli untuk diri anda sendiri terlebih dahulu. Menggunakan perfume yang anda miliki sendiri adalah lebih berkesan dan mampu meyakinkan bakal pembeli anda. Selain anda mampu bercerita tentang qualiti perfume yang anda gunakan, kongsi semburan dengan kawan kawan untuk meyakinkan mereka.
2. Lebih banyak perfume dalam stok anda, lebih mudah meyakinkan pembeli yang anda memang seorang penjual minyak wangi yang serius.
3. Sentiasa order 5 botol dan keatas untuk menjimatkan kos penghantaran. Harga kos dapat diserap kedalam harga jualan setiap botol. Biasanya penghantaran 5 botol dikenakan caj dari rm18 - rm20 @ lebih kurang RM4 sebotol. (Harga pos tertakluk kepada kawasan dan berat bungkusan. Anda hanya perlu bayar apa yang poslaju caj. Pesanan anda akan diterima sehari selepas di pos. Mudah dan ringkas)
4. Anda yang mengawal harga Jualan borong untuk agen adalah antara yang termurah ditawarkan di internet. Harga jual anda, anda yang tentukan. Harga jual dalam internet untuk issey miyaki 125ml adalah RM140 - RM160. Letak harga yang berpatutan pada perfume anda. Beri potongan harga seboleh mungkin. Pelanggan yang gembira akan setia kepada anda.
5. Target penjualan bulanan anda.
Target sale bulanan anda menentukan hala tuju perniagaan anda. Jangan takut meletakkan sasaran yang tinggi tetapi harus bersedia dengan plan tindakan yang setimpal dengan angka sasaran. Bayangkan anda dah naik kereta, start enjin dan masuk gear...tapi anda tak tahu nak pergi mana...
Set target seawal mungkin dan berusaha mencapai apa yang anda target.
6. Kawalan mutu. Mengawal selia barangan anda dan mengawal mutu produk anda adalah nadi perniagaan anda. Cari ilmu berkaitan perfume sebanyak banyaknya. Lebih banyak anda tahu, lebih senang anda mengurus perniagaan anda.
7. Jangan Tamak. Dalam perniagaan, pesaingan ada dimana mana. Jangan risau. Jadikan mereka pencetus semangat untuk menjual lebih dari apa yang mereka jual. Rezeki tuhan yang bagi. Jaga mutu barangan, jual pada harga berpatutan, dan jaga perhubungan dengan pelanggan, anda pasti akan berjaya.
Harapan saya, info ini dapat membantu anda dan menjawab persoalan anda.
Dari meja Amirperfume - Sekiranya anda ada sebarang persoalan mengenai perniagaan atau perfume terutama perfume reject, ajukan kepada atau whatsapp 012 204 0958.
p/s - Kami juga ada option untuk dropshipper.
whatsapp 'dropshipper' ke 012 204 0958.
posted by Amirperfume (AP Network Enterprise - SA0215574-P) @ 6:18 PM   |
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